Microdosing: What Is It?

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Categories : Research

Microdosing: What Is It?

Highly focussed, creative and innovative, self assured and relaxed is the profile of switched on super smart twenty somethings who are choosing to microdose with psychedelics.


Microdosing psychedelics like lsd or psilocybin mushrooms is a growing trend in the west. It was born in, but has distinctly moved on from the turn on, tune in, drop out experimentation in the sixties and seventies and into the contemporary corporate mindset. Steve Jobs was inspired to create Apple during an acid trip, or so the urban myth goes.

The innovations attributed to psychedelics informed the pioneers of the early internet. Searching for a utopian thought space where sovereignty and individuality were eminent was a dominant driver for the blacknet, encryption and hacking. Many net pioneers, having grown up on California communes, were informed by the messages of the psychedelic experience directly through the social structure and real politics of their alternative environments.

Jump forward thirty years and microdosed psychedelics are hailed as inspirational and creative manna, a non specific amplifier of the human organism. Although wrongfully illegal hallucinogens are still being used for personal mental health care management and to positively effect in the workplace and interpersonal relationships.

Microdosing is taking quantities of a psychedelic at far lower dosages than what is needed to breach the psychoactive threshold. Usually a tenth of the amount needed for the most minimal of breakthroughs. LSD at ten micro grams rather than 200-400, mescaline at 50 micrograms rather than 500 or dried magic mushrooms at .2 of a gram rather than 1-2 or more will be enough to gain the benefits of microdosing.

These infinitesimal amounts will be barely perceptable as a "trip". No eye dilation, traces or glowing rocks (but you still totally dig their rockishness). The effects are gently noticeable, even experienced psychonauts who have smeared their consciousness over infinity and tossed their identities in the bin will appreciate the alert and quietly energized gentleness. Surely recognizing the post trip type bliss in the ease of the daily microdosed mindset.


The figures from recent research into the effects of psylocybin on the brain suggests that psychedelic derived or inspired medicines can play a significant role in the future of mental health.

The results of the study showed that those who took small doses of psilocybin experienced less social isolation and feelings of rejection. Lead researcher Katrin Preller discovered that disruption of certain serotonin receptors in the brain can cause anxiety, depression and social pain.

The use of sub breakthrough doses of psylocibin and other psychedelics may prove to play a role in the development of future psychological treatments.

When microdosed, depression can be viewed objectively and spiritual or complex emotional problems can be processed without self punishment and healthy cognition results. There is a sense of "all is well with the world," a lightness of spirit and the mind stops chattering leaving a quiet peace.


Inspired by the results of the original pioneers who used microdosing in the workplace to enhance creativity, problem solving abilities and cognitive function. Interconnected, uber smart global village twenty somethings who desire that edge in innovation or who want to increase their output and productivity with no mental or physical side-effects are turning to microdosed psychedelics.

Keeping energy levels up and synapses popping while feeling at ease and alert all day are effects drawing more people towards healthy hallucinogen use.

Long used by Silicon Valley brainiacs as a focussing tool for arduous coding runs or as a creativity stimulant, the microdosing of psychedelics is gaining a foothold in other cultural subsets.

Navigating stress with style and aplomb, increased focus and an open heart becomes second nature when regularly microdosing. Mutually beneficial solutions with little direct confrontation and less ego entanglement in problems leads to smoother negotiations and interactions. Breakthrough results can be achieved while remaining integrtaed with routine.


The visual acuity of a chameleon, the reflexes of a cobra and the calm nerves of a mountain goat are what microdosing can anecdotally do for the keen sportsperson wanting to take their game to the next level.

The tight-knit underground communities of surfers and rock climbers, heli skiers and snowboarders, paragliders and kayakers have held microdosing in high regard for sometime. There is well established lore and respect for the process in these coteries. Hallucinogens and big North Island surf or Yosemite cliff faces seem to be odd bedfellows, but it is a different story with very small doses.

The mainstream community would be astonished to know that extraordinary physical acts have been accomplished that required feats of superhuman strength, balance, focus and concentration were aided by the ingestion of small amounts of hallucinogens, usually lsd or psilocybin mushrooms.


The real question seems to be, once you start microdosing, is there any reason to stop?

Prohibition is simply getting in the way of legitimate research into a field of mental health and physical care that has a positive narrative coming from dedicated experimentalists and psychedelic boffins.

The late great Albert Hoffman, the "father of LSD", microdosed up until his death at 102 and advocated microdosing as a healthy pursuit for all people. He believed that if it weren't for prohibition microdosing psychedelics would certainly have taken the place of most pharmaceutical antidepressants and common mood altering drugs like ritalin.

Please be safe. These are illegal and powerful substances.